Friday, August 28, 2020

Postgrex Ecto Types

One thing I found confusing about Postgrex, the excellent PostgreSQL adapter for Elixir, was how to use PostgresSQL-specific data types (cidr, inet, interval, lexeme, range, etc) with Ecto. As far as I can tell, while Postgrex includes structs that can be converted to each type (like Postgrex.INET etc), you still have to write your own Ecto.Type implementation for each type you use in an Ecto schema.

For example, to implement an Ecto schema for a table like the following:


You'd need minimally to create an Ecto type implementation like the following:

# lib/my_app/inet_type.ex defmodule MyApp.InetType do @moduledoc """ `Ecto.Type` implementation for postgres `INET` type. """ use Ecto.Type def type, do: :inet def cast(term), do: {:ok, term} def dump(term), do: {:ok, term} def load(term), do: {:ok, term} end

So that you could then define the Ecto schema with your custom Ecto type:

# lib/my_app/hits/hit.ex defmodule MyApp.Hits.Hit do @moduledoc """ The Hit schema. """ use Ecto.Schema schema "hits" do field :url, :string field :ip, MyApp.InetType timestamps updated_at: false end def changeset(hit, attrs) do hit |> cast(attrs, [:url, :ip]) |> validate_required([:url, :ip]) end end

Note that in your migration code, you use the native database type name (eg inet), not your custom type name:

# priv/repo/migrations/202001010000_create_hits.exs defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateHits do use Ecto.Migration def change do create table(:hits) do add :url, :text, null: false add :ip, :inet, null: false timestamps updated_at: false end end end

A Fancier Type

However, the above basic InetType implementation limits this example Hit schema to working only with Postgrex.INET structs for its ip field — so, while creating a Hit record with the IP address specified via a Postgrex.INET struct works nicely:

iex> ( ...> %MyApp.Hits.Hit{} ...> |> MyApp.Hits.Hit.changeset(%{url: "/", ip: %Postgrex.INET{address: {127, 0, 0, 1}}}) ...> |> MyApp.Repo.insert!() ...> |> Map.get(:ip) ...> ) %Postgrex.INET{address: {127, 0, 0, 1}}

Creating one with the IP address specified as a string (or even a plain tuple like {127, 0, 0, 1}) won't work:

iex> ( iex> %MyApp.Hits.Hit{} ...> |> MyApp.Hits.Hit.changeset(%{url: "/", ip: ""}}) ...> |> MyApp.Repo.insert!() ...> |> Map.get(:ip) ...> ) ** (Ecto.InvalidChangesetError) could not perform insert because changeset is invalid.

This can be solved by implementing a fancier version of the cast function in the MyApp.InetType module, enabling Ecto to cast strings (and tuples) to the Postgrex.INET type. Here's a version of MyApp.InetType that does that, as well as allows the Postgrex.INET struct to be serialized as a string (including when serialized to JSON with the Jason library, or when rendered as part of a Phoenix HTML template):

# lib/my_app/inet_type.ex defmodule MyApp.InetType do @moduledoc """ `Ecto.Type` implementation for postgres `INET` type. """ use Bitwise use Ecto.Type alias Postgrex.INET def type, do: :inet def cast(nil), do: {:ok, nil} def cast(""), do: {:ok, nil} def cast(%INET{address: nil}), do: {:ok, nil} def cast(%INET{} = term), do: {:ok, term} def cast(term) when is_tuple(term), do: {:ok, %INET{address: term}} def cast(term) when is_binary(term) do [addr | mask] = String.split(term, "/", parts: 2) with {:ok, address} <- parse_address(addr), {:ok, number} <- parse_netmask(mask), {:ok, netmask} <- validate_netmask(number, address) do {:ok, %INET{address: address, netmask: netmask}} else message -> {:error, [message: message]} end end def cast(_), do: :error def dump(term), do: {:ok, term} def load(term), do: {:ok, term} defp parse_address(addr) do case :inet.parse_strict_address(String.to_charlist(addr)) do {:ok, address} -> {:ok, address} _ -> "not a valid IP address" end end defp parse_netmask([]), do: {:ok, nil} defp parse_netmask([mask]) do case Integer.parse(mask) do {number, ""} -> {:ok, number} _ -> "not a CIDR netmask" end end defp validate_netmask(nil, _addr), do: {:ok, nil} defp validate_netmask(mask, _addr) when mask < 0 do "CIDR netmask cannot be negative" end defp validate_netmask(mask, addr) when mask > 32 and tuple_size(addr) == 4 do "CIDR netmask cannot be greater than 32" end defp validate_netmask(mask, _addr) when mask > 128 do "CIDR netmask cannot be greater than 128" end defp validate_netmask(mask, addr) do ipv4 = tuple_size(addr) == 4 max = if ipv4, do: 32, else: 128 subnet = if ipv4, do: 8, else: 16 bits = addr |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {value, index}, acc -> acc + (value <<< (index * subnet)) end) bitmask = ((1 <<< max) - 1) ^^^ ((1 <<< (max - mask)) - 1) if (bits &&& bitmask) == bits do {:ok, mask} else "masked bits of IP address all must be 0s" end end end defimpl String.Chars, for: Postgrex.INET do def to_string(%{address: address, netmask: netmask}) do "#{address_to_string(address)}#{netmask_to_string(netmask)}" end defp address_to_string(nil), do: "" defp address_to_string(address), do: address |> :inet.ntoa() defp netmask_to_string(nil), do: "" defp netmask_to_string(netmask), do: "/#{netmask}" end defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: Postgrex.INET do def encode(term, opts), do: term |> to_string() |> Jason.Encode.string(opts) end defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: Postgrex.INET do def to_iodata(term), do: term |> to_string() end

Alternative Canonical Representation

Note that an alternative way of implementing your Ecto type would be to make the dump and load functions round-trip the Postgrex.INET struct to and from some more convenient canonical representation (like a plain string). For example, a MyApp.InetType like the following would allow you to use plain strings to represent IP address values in your schemas (instead of Postgrex.INET structs). It would dump each such string to a Postgrex.INET struct when Ecto attempts to save the value to the database, and load the value from a Postgrex.INET struct into a string when Ecto attempts to load the value from the database:

# lib/my_app/inet_type.ex defmodule MyApp.InetType do @moduledoc """ `Ecto.Type` implementation for postgres `INET` type. """ use Ecto.Type alias Postgrex.INET def type, do: :inet def cast(nil), do: {:ok, ""} def cast(term) when is_tuple(term), do: {:ok, address_to_string(term)} def cast(term) when is_binary(term), do: {:ok, term} def cast(_), do: :error def dump(nil), do: {:ok, nil} def dump(""), do: {:ok, nil} def dump(term) when is_binary(term) do [addr | mask] = String.split(term, "/", parts: 2) with {:ok, address} <- parse_address(addr), {:ok, number} <- parse_netmask(mask), {:ok, netmask} <- validate_netmask(number, address) do {:ok, %INET{address: address, netmask: netmask}} else message -> {:error, [message: message]} end end def dump(_), do: :error def load(nil), do: {:ok, ""} def load(%INET{address: address, netmask: netmask}) do "#{address_to_string(address)}#{netmask_to_string(netmask)}" end def load(_), do: :error defp parse_address(addr) do case :inet.parse_strict_address(String.to_charlist(addr)) do {:ok, address} -> {:ok, address} _ -> "not a valid IP address" end end defp parse_netmask([]), do: {:ok, nil} defp parse_netmask([mask]) do case Integer.parse(mask) do {number, ""} -> {:ok, number} _ -> "not a CIDR netmask" end end defp validate_netmask(nil, _addr), do: {:ok, nil} defp validate_netmask(mask, _addr) when mask < 0 do "CIDR netmask cannot be negative" end defp validate_netmask(mask, addr) when mask > 32 and tuple_size(addr) == 4 do "CIDR netmask cannot be greater than 32" end defp validate_netmask(mask, _addr) when mask > 128 do "CIDR netmask cannot be greater than 128" end defp validate_netmask(mask, addr) do ipv4 = tuple_size(addr) == 4 max = if ipv4, do: 32, else: 128 subnet = if ipv4, do: 8, else: 16 bits = addr |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {value, index}, acc -> acc + (value <<< (index * subnet)) end) bitmask = ((1 <<< max) - 1) ^^^ ((1 <<< (max - mask)) - 1) if (bits &&& bitmask) == bits do {:ok, mask} else "masked bits of IP address all must be 0s" end end defp address_to_string(nil), do: "" defp address_to_string(address), do: address |> :inet.ntoa() defp netmask_to_string(nil), do: "" defp netmask_to_string(netmask), do: "/#{netmask}" end

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