Monday, September 14, 2020

Elixir Ed25519 Signatures With Enacl

The most-actively supported library for using ed25519 with Elixir currently looks to be enacl. It provides straightforward, idiomatic Erlang bindings for libsodium.


Installing enacl for a Mix project requires first installing your operating system's libsodium-dev package on your dev & build machines (as well as the regular libsodium package anywhere else you run your project binaries). Then in the mix.exs file of your project, add {:enacl, "~> 1.0.0"} to the deps section of that file; and then run mix deps.get to download the enacl package from Hex.


In the parlance of libsodium, the "secret key" is the full keypair, the "public key" is the public part of the keypair (the public curve point), and the "seed" is the private part of the keypair (the 256-bit secret). The seed is represented in enacl as a 32-byte binary string, as is the public key; and the secret key is the 64-byte binary concatenation of the seed plus the public key.

You can generate a brand new ed25519 keypair with enacl via the sign_keypair/0 function. After generating, usually you'd want to save the keypair somewhere as a base64- or hex-encoded string:

iex> keypair = :enacl.sign_keypair() %{ public: <<215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, 14, 225, 114, 243, 218, 166, 35, 37, 175, 2, 26, 104, 247, 7, 81, 26>>, secret: <<157, 97, 177, 157, 239, 253, 90, 96, 186, 132, 74, 244, 146, 236, 44, 196, 68, 73, 197, 105, 123, 50, 105, 25, 112, 59, 172, 3, 28, 174, 127, 96, 215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, ...>> } iex> <<seed::binary-size(32), public_key::binary>> = keypair.secret <<157, 97, 177, 157, 239, 253, 90, 96, 186, 132, 74, 244, 146, 236, 44, 196, 68, 73, 197, 105, 123, 50, 105, 25, 112, 59, 172, 3, 28, 174, 127, 96, 215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, 14, 225, ...>> iex> public_key == keypair.public true iex> seed <> public_key == keypair.secret true iex> public_key_base64 = public_key |> Base.encode64() "11qYAYKxCrfVS/7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo=" iex> public_key_hex = public_key |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) "d75a980182b10ab7d54bfed3c964073a0ee172f3daa62325af021a68f707511a" iex> private_key_base64 = seed |> Base.encode64() "nWGxne/9WmC6hEr0kuwsxERJxWl7MmkZcDusAxyuf2A=" iex> private_key_hex = seed |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) "9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60"

You can also reconstitute a keypair from just the private part (the "seed") with the enacle sign_seed_keypair/1 function:

iex> reloaded_keypair = ( ...> "9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60" ...> |> Base.decode16!(case: :lower) ...> |> :enacl.sign_seed_keypair() ...>) %{ public: <<215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, 14, 225, 114, 243, 218, 166, 35, 37, 175, 2, 26, 104, 247, 7, 81, 26>>, secret: <<157, 97, 177, 157, 239, 253, 90, 96, 186, 132, 74, 244, 146, 236, 44, 196, 68, 73, 197, 105, 123, 50, 105, 25, 112, 59, 172, 3, 28, 174, 127, 96, 215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, ...>> } iex> reloaded_keypair == keypair true


Libsodium has a series of functions for signing large documents that won't fit into memory or otherwise have to be split into chunks — but for most cases, the simpler enacl sign/2 or sign_detached/2 functions are what you want to use.

The enacl sign/2 function produces a binary string that combines the original message with the message signature, which the sign_open/2 function can later unpack and verify. This is ideal for preventing misuse, since it makes it harder to just use the message without verifying the signature first.

The enacl sign_detached/2 function produces the message signature as a stand-alone 64-byte binary string — if you need to store or send the signature separately from the message itself, this is the function you'd use. And often when using detached signatures, you will also base64- or hex-encode the resulting signature:

iex> message = "test" "test" iex> signed_message = :enacl.sign(message, keypair.secret) <<143, 152, 176, 38, 66, 39, 246, 31, 9, 107, 120, 221, 227, 176, 240, 13, 25, 1, 236, 254, 16, 80, 94, 65, 71, 57, 6, 144, 122, 82, 53, 107, 233, 83, 26, 215, 109, 77, 1, 219, 7, 67, 77, 72, 147, 94, 245, 81, 222, 80, ...>> iex> signature = :enacl.sign_detached(message, keypair.secret) <<143, 152, 176, 38, 66, 39, 246, 31, 9, 107, 120, 221, 227, 176, 240, 13, 25, 1, 236, 254, 16, 80, 94, 65, 71, 57, 6, 144, 122, 82, 53, 107, 233, 83, 26, 215, 109, 77, 1, 219, 7, 67, 77, 72, 147, 94, 245, 81, 222, 80, ...>> iex> signature <> message == signed_message true iex> signature |> Base.encode64() "j5iwJkIn9h8Ja3jd47DwDRkB7P4QUF5BRzkGkHpSNWvpUxrXbU0B2wdDTUiTXvVR3lBULDNm0/t1DY8GBoxfCA==" iex> signature |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) "8f98b0264227f61f096b78dde3b0f00d1901ecfe10505e41473906907a52356be9531ad76d4d01db07434d48935ef551de50542c3366d3fb750d8f06068c5f08"


To verify a signed message (the message combined with the signature), and then access the message itself, you'd use the enacl sign_open/2 function:

iex> unpacked_message = :enacl.sign_open(signed_message, public_key) {:ok, "test"}

If you try to verify the signed message with a different public key (or if the message is otherwise improperly signed or not signed at all), you'll get an error result from the sign_open/2 function:

iex> wrong_public_key = ( ...> "3d4017c3e843895a92b70aa74d1b7ebc9c982ccf2ec4968cc0cd55f12af4660c" ...> |> Base.decode16!(case: :lower) ...> ) <<61, 64, 23, 195, 232, 67, 137, 90, 146, 183, 10, 167, 77, 27, 126, 188, 156, 152, 44, 207, 46, 196, 150, 140, 192, 205, 85, 241, 42, 244, 102, 12>> iex> error_result = :enacl.sign_open(signed_message, wrong_public_key) {:error, :failed_verification}

To verify a message with a detached signature, you need the original message itself (in the same binary form with which it was signed), and the signature (in binary form as well). You pass them both, plus the public key, to the sign_verify_detached/3 function; sign_verify_detached/3 returns true if the signature is legit, and false otherwise:

iex> :enacl.sign_verify_detached(signature, message, public_key) true iex> :enacl.sign_verify_detached(signature, "wrong message", public_key) false iex> :enacl.sign_verify_detached(signature, message, wrong_public_key) false

Full Example

To put it all together, if you have an ed25519 private key, like "nWGxne/9WmC6hEr0kuwsxERJxWl7MmkZcDusAxyuf2A=", and you want to sign a message ("test") that someone else already has in their possession, you'd do the following to produce a stand-alone signature that you can send them:

iex> secret_key = ( ...> "nWGxne/9WmC6hEr0kuwsxERJxWl7MmkZcDusAxyuf2A=" ...> |> Base.decode64!() ...> |> :enacl.sign_seed_keypair() ...> |> Map.get(:secret) ...> ) <<157, 97, 177, 157, 239, 253, 90, 96, 186, 132, 74, 244, 146, 236, 44, 196, 68, 73, 197, 105, 123, 50, 105, 25, 112, 59, 172, 3, 28, 174, 127, 96, 215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, 14, 225, ...>> iex> signature_base64 = ( ...> "test" ...> |> :enacl.sign_detached(secret_key) ...> |> Base.encode64() ...> ) "j5iwJkIn9h8Ja3jd47DwDRkB7P4QUF5BRzkGkHpSNWvpUxrXbU0B2wdDTUiTXvVR3lBULDNm0/t1DY8GBoxfCA=="

And if you're the one given an ed25519 public key ("11qYAYKxCrfVS/7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo=") and signature ("j5iwJkIn9h8Ja3jd47DwDRkB7P4QUF5BRzkGkHpSNWvpUxrXbU0B2wdDTUiTXvVR3lBULDNm0/t1DY8GBoxfCA=="), with the original message ("test") in hand you can verify the signature like the following:

iex> public_key = ( ...> "11qYAYKxCrfVS/7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo=" ...> |> Base.decode64!() ...> ) <<215, 90, 152, 1, 130, 177, 10, 183, 213, 75, 254, 211, 201, 100, 7, 58, 14, 225, 114, 243, 218, 166, 35, 37, 175, 2, 26, 104, 247, 7, 81, 26>> iex> signature_legitimate? = ( ...> "j5iwJkIn9h8Ja3jd47DwDRkB7P4QUF5BRzkGkHpSNWvpUxrXbU0B2wdDTUiTXvVR3lBULDNm0/t1DY8GBoxfCA==" ...> |> Base.decode64!() ...> |> :enacl.sign_verify_detached("test", public_key) ...> ) true