Friday, October 25, 2019

Adapting PostgreSQL Timestamps To Arrow With Psycopg2

I did some digging the other day to try to figure out how to use the excellent Python datetime library Arrow with the workhorse psycopg2 Python-PostgreSQL database adapter (plus the nifty Peewee ORM on top of psycopg2). I was pleasantly surprised how easy and painless it was to implement, with help from a blog post by Omar Rayward, and the psycopg2 docs (and source code) as a guide.

There are 5 core PostgreSQL date/time types that Arrow can handle, which psycopg2 maps to the 3 core Python date/time classes — by default through 4 core psycopg2 datatypes:

PostgreSQL Type Example Output Psycopg2 Type Python Type
timestamp [without time zone] 2001-02-03 04:05:06 PYDATETIME datetime
timestamp with time zone 2001-02-03 04:05:06-07 PYDATETIMETZ datetime
date 2001-02-03 PYDATE date
time [without time zone] 04:05:06 PYTIME time
time with time zone 04:05:06-07 PYTIME time

Arrow can be used to handle each of these 5 types, via its single Arrow class. Here's how you set up the mappings:

import arrow import psycopg2.extensions def adapt_arrow_to_psql(value): """Formats an Arrow object as a quoted string for use in a SQL statement.""" # assume Arrow object is being used for TIME datatype if date is 1900 or earlier if value.year <= 1900: value = value.format("HH:mm:ss.SZ") elif value == arrow.Arrow.max: value = "infinity" elif value == arrow.Arrow.min: value = "-infinity" return psycopg2.extensions.AsIs("'{}'".format(value)) # register adapter to format Arrow objects when passed as parameters to SQL statements psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter(arrow.Arrow, adapt_arrow_to_psql) def cast_psql_date_to_arrow(value, conn): """Parses a SQL timestamp or date string to an Arrow object.""" # handle NULL and special "infinity"/"-infinity" values if not value: return None elif value == "infinity": return arrow.Arrow.max elif value == "-infinity": return arrow.Arrow.min return arrow.get(value) def cast_psql_time_to_arrow(value, conn): """Parses a SQL time string to an Arrow object.""" # handle NULL if not value: return None # handle TIME, TIME with fractional seconds (.S), and TIME WITH TIME ZONE (Z) return arrow.get(value, ["HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm:ss.S", "HH:mm:ssZ", "HH:mm:ss.SZ"]) # override default timestamp/date converters # to convert from SQL timestamp/date results to Arrow objects psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.new_type( ( psycopg2.extensions.PYDATETIME.values + psycopg2.extensions.PYDATETIMETZ.values + psycopg2.extensions.PYDATE.values ), "ARROW", cast_psql_date_to_arrow, )) # override default time converter to convert from SQL time results to Arrow objects psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.new_type( psycopg2.extensions.PYTIME.values, "ARROW_TIME", cast_psql_time_to_arrow ))

The 3 slightly tricky bits are:

  1. Deciding whether to format an Arrow object as a date or a time (in adapt_arrow_to_psql()) — you may want to handle it differently, but since Arrow will parse times without dates as occurring on "0001-01-01", the simplest thing to do is assume a date with an early year (like 1900 or earlier) represents a time instead of a date (which allows round-tripping of times from PostgreSQL to Arrow and back).
  2. Handling PostgreSQL's special "-infinity" and "infinity" values when converting between PostgreSQL and Arrow dates (in adapt_arrow_to_psql() and cast_psql_date_to_arrow()) — Arrow.min and Arrow.max are the closest equivalents.
  3. Handling the 4 different time variants that PostgreSQL emits (in cast_psql_time_to_arrow()):
    • "12:34:56" (no fractional seconds or time zone)
    • "12:34:56.123456" (fractional seconds but no time zone)
    • "12:34:56-07" (no fractional seconds but time zone)
    • "12:34:56.123456-07" (fractional seconds and time zone)

With those mappings in place, you can now use Arrow objects natively with psycopg2:

import arrow import psycopg2 def test_datetimes(): conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="mydbname", user="myuser") try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, dt TIMESTAMP, dtz TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, d DATE, t TIME, twtz TIME WITH TIME ZONE ) """) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO foo (dt, dtz, d, t, twtz) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06"), arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06-07"), arrow.get("2001-02-03"), arrow.get("04:05:06", "HH:mm:ss"), arrow.get("04:05:06-07", "HH:mm:ssZ"), ), ) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM foo") result = cur.fetchone() assert result[1] == arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06") assert result[2] == arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06-07") assert result[3] == arrow.get("2001-02-03") assert result[4] == arrow.get("04:05:06", "HH:mm:ss") assert result[5] == arrow.get("04:05:06-07", "HH:mm:ssZ") finally: conn.rollback()

Or with the Peewee ORM, you can use Peewee's built-in date/time fields, and pass and receive Arrow objects to/from those fields:

import arrow import peewee import playhouse.postgres_ext db = playhouse.postgres_ext.PostgresqlExtDatabase("mydbname", user="myuser") class Foo(peewee.Model): dt = peewee.DateTimeField( default=arrow.utcnow, constraints=[peewee.SQL("DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')")], ) dtz = playhouse.postgres_ext.DateTimeTZField( default=arrow.utcnow, constraints=[peewee.SQL("DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')")], ) d = peewee.DateField( default=arrow.utcnow, constraints=[peewee.SQL("DEFAULT (CURRENT_DATE AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')")], ) t = peewee.TimeField( default=lambda: arrow.utcnow().time(), constraints=[peewee.SQL("DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIME AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')")], ) class Meta: database = db def test_datetimes(): with db.transaction() as tx: try: Foo.create_table() result = Foo.get_by_id( Foo.create( dt=arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06"), dtz=arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06-07"), d=arrow.get("2001-02-03"), t=arrow.get("04:05:06", "HH:mm:ss"), ).id ) assert result.dt == arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06") assert result.dtz == arrow.get("2001-02-03 04:05:06-07") assert result.d == arrow.get("2001-02-03") assert result.t == arrow.get("04:05:06", "HH:mm:ss") finally: tx.rollback()

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